Alex might have found himself a band. He hooked up with them at the Dead Kennedys concert last weekend. They play ska, which is what he's into. He's definately ready. He's really worked hard since he began lessons in the spring. The band may be missing a guitar player. I'm wondering if there's someone I could recommend...

I love Ryan's guitar. Today we started learning songs off the latest U2 album. We did Vertigo, All Because Of You and we started Miracle Drug. Ryan is doing really well. He practices very hard. My kind of student! He's definately ready to take it to the next level and join a band. I'd love to be able to hook him up with one. I'm going to work on it.

I love Ryan's guitar. Today we started learning songs off the latest U2 album. We did Vertigo, All Because Of You and we started Miracle Drug. Ryan is doing really well. He practices very hard. My kind of student! He's definately ready to take it to the next level and join a band. I'd love to be able to hook him up with one. I'm going to work on it.