Christian has been making some serious progress. His scales and chords are sounding great. His reading is coming along nicely and his power chords are sounding awesome. We worked on "Basket Case" by Green Day and he was able to play it at 160 bpm. All that and only his fifth lesson!
Today, we worked on alternate picking for the first time. Rachelle caught on very quickly. We practiced all her scales and scale exercises with it. Then we worked on songs. Rachelle is currently working on a Pearl Jam song, some Pink Floyd and some Johnny Cash. Today, we started "Needle and the Damage Done" by Neil Young. The songs are sounding really good. She's practicing hard and it shows.
Zack has been working really hard on "Wipe Out". His goal was to be able to perform it at 145 bpm, which is the approximate tempo of the real version. Today, he reached his goal. Great job, Zack. Now, he's starting on Stairway to Heaven...
Let me introduce you to Montreal's newest band, just formed today as a matter of fact. They don't have a name yet but I can tell you one thing, they rock! The lineup is as follows:(from left to right) Jordy on guitar, Chloe on keyboard and vocals, Laura on bass, William on drums, Ryan on guitar and Sophie on vocals. Today they worked on "Where is My Mind" by the Pixies and by the end of the rehearsal it was really sounding good. Keep your eye out for them, they will be hitting a stage near you very soon...
Kenny took some time off from lessons for a few weeks but now he's back with a vengeance. We started working on "Wipe Out" a while ago and steadily it has been improving. Our goal was to play "Wipe Out" at the tempo of the real song. Well, tonight Kenny did it. Time for a new challenge...