Monday nights are music nights at Allan and Elyse's. I teach their daughter Kira first, then Allan and I have a two hour lesson, which usually involves playing Chilli Peppers songs with Elyse and their younger daughter Maya singing. Tonight Kira and I made up a cool song using the E blues scale and the vibrato on an old Fender amp. We also practiced our chords while I played a bass drum with my foot(they have a drum kit in their basement as well). Then, Allan had invited a drummer friend over so I played bass and we had our first real jam. We played through most of the Chilli Pepper songs that Allan has been practicing like "Can't Stop", "Dani California", "Desecration Smile", "Californication", "My Friends", "Under the Bridge" and "Otherside" as well as a few other songs. Allan sounded great! He had put in some serious work on "Can't Stop" this past week and there was a huge improvement. Elyse and Maya sang without a mic because for some reason, it stopped working. Next week we'll fix that...