"Anatomy of a Rock Band" is a short manual I wrote two years ago to accompany my rock band course. It covers in a sometimes simple, sometimes more detailed way all the most important aspects of being in a band. Some of the chapter headings are "Learning Songs", "Writing Songs", "Soloing" and "Playing Live". My goal with this manual was, quoting from it's introduction,"...help is out there if you seek it. This short manual is meant to be that help. Inside, you will find ideas, tips, dos and don’ts and good basic info that will hopefully help you and your band achieve your goals, whether they be playing a few cover songs, writing your own songs, recording or playing shows. Don’t get me wrong, you will still make your share of mistakes. This is how we learn and improve. Hopefully, after reading this manual, you will make less of them." Click here to download it. If, after reading it, you have any feedback or comments I'd love to hear them. Drop me a line at itcamefromthegarage@gmail.com.