I have added a new category called "Books" in the links section to the right. In it, you will find two books that I have written. The first has been up for a few years and is entitled "Anatomy Of A Rock Band". Click here for more info.
The second book is a book that I have just finished writing called "The Black Book". This is a children's book that I wrote for my daughter. My friend Natasha illustrated it. I came up with the story about two years ago when my daughter asked me to tell her a Halloween story "from my imagination". This was something she was in the habit of asking me almost everyday at that point! On this particular occasion, I somehow spontaneously came up with this story. My daughter remembered it and would keep asking me to retell it to her. About nine months ago, I decided to try to make it into a book. I asked Natasha if she would like to illustrate it and she said yes. And there you have it. I presented it to my daughter as a surprise for her birthday only a few days ago. It was amazing to see her reaction. Click here to read the book.